31 Jan 2025

Is Capitalism Better Than Other Systems?

 Let’s start with a few definitions.

Capital is accumulated wealth above and beyond what one needs to live well (and have a nest egg). Most rich people inherited their (initial) capital.

A capitalist is someone whose income depends not on work, but on gambling with some part of their hoard of accumulated wealth (aka “investments”).

Capitalism is the ideology that holds

  1. the accumulation of wealth is the highest good; and thus leads to the greatest happiness (utilitarianism)
  2. Commerce is the highest form of human culture (plutolatry: “wealth worship”).
  3. those with the most wealth are most competent and temperamentally suited to rule (plutocracy “rule by the wealthy”)
  4. all human interactions are transactions (transactionalism)

As far as the question goes:

Capitalism—the combination of plutolatry, plutocracy, utilitarianism, and transactionalism—is best for people who have capital. Because they are the only ones who can come out on top. They have all the influence and power.

For anyone who has no capital—who has to work for a living—capitalism is the worst possible alternative. Because without capital a person has no influence, let alone power.

Like all tyrants, the plutocrats fear being outnumbered and overwhelmed by the workers. So they keep us divided and confused. As ought to be evident from the internet.

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Keep is seemly & on-topic. Thanks.